We have a sad, sad tendency. All of us. We like to know who the experts are. We want to know who knows what we want to know so that we can learn from them and then we will know it. We want to identify the gurus and the superstars... even in the house church "movement."
Let me just say it as clearly as I can... As soon as we even begin thinking this way... we have lost it.
The whole point is that nobody really knows what God is up to... but God. Our only approach can be one of total and utter dependency on Him (become like little children). He builds His church... period. He orchestrates His church... period. He directs His church... period. He is the head of His church... period. If we no longer stand before Him in utter and complete naked dependency, then we have begun substituting human ingenuity for divine revelation. How tempting this is.
Does that mean that we don't learn from one another? Of course not. The whole point of this blog is to create a place where we can brainstorm, share ideas, and learn from each other. But let's watch that we don't start identifying the latest craze, the coolest fad, the way that "they" do it, or what so-and-so has to say about it. Let's make sure we remain utterly, fearlessly, passionately, devoted to a dependency on the One We Follow. He leads. Otherwise, don't follow!