I have been raised in a world that, in many ways, worships things that are big: big concerts, big events, big hypes, big companies, big shopping malls, etc., etc.
Even in the church world, the watchword of the 90s was: mega-church. The bigger, the better!
But after two small house church gatherings this weekend, I have been thinking of the beauty of small: flowers are small, babies are small, meaningful moments are often intimate and involving a small number of people, desserts are small, tears are small, hugs and kisses are small gestures (though large in meaning), diamonds are small, keepsakes are small, hearts are small...
I have had to re-learn my own church traditions and background in order to grasp it: small church gatherings are incredibly beautiful. In fact, this past weekend I had the privilege of enjoying so many of these small beautiful things: hugs, kisses, tears, desserts, babies, flowers, and meaningful moments.
I am so glad that I am learning to enjoy "small."