As a house church network, we have worked to clarify the core values and DNA that we believe leads to the kind of healthy communities we seek to plant:
1. Participatory-- 1 Cor. 14:26
Jesus in the midst of His church through everyone involved
Leadership facilitates
The Holy Spirit leads the church gatherings; the church listens and responds
2. Love is the core value—1 Cor. 13
All are important. Every person’s contribution is valued
“One anothers” lived out in real community
3. Consensus—“take it to the church”
Family meeting decision-making (submit to one another)
4. Authenticity, openness, honesty in relationships
Necessary for relational growth and conflict resolution
5. Every church reaches out and reproduces
“Seek and save the lost” – the missional nature of church
We want everyone to know Jesus; inclusive not exclusive
Intentional ministry to the poor and needy
6. Shared responsibility in finances, time, and other concerns (i.e. children)
Otherwise you will develop a caretaking/enabling system.
Generosity is the fruit of loving God: “Give and it will be given…”
7. Spiritual formation through relational mentoring
Healthy churches are the result of healthy Christians who are the result of more mature Christians relationally discipling (mentoring the spiritual formation of) others who will relationally disciple others
8. Shepherds undergird, support, mentor, love, facilitate, communicate, disciple, counsel, and nurture other people and families with the intention of seeing others become all that they are meant to be. People are to be cared for!
This is the primary leadership paradigm: the “gardener”; the “equipper”; the “flight instructor”
9. Connect with larger Christian community
Network with cluster of house churches
Connect with city church leaders
Invite in Five-fold ministers
10. Prayer
The power generator for God’s work