We are made for relationship... with God... and with others. The reality is... we need each other and we need to be real with each other.
As Christians, I'm not sure we know what this means.
Alcoholics, on the other hand, know exactly what this means. Their literature states: ". . . no society of men and women ever had a more urgent need for continuous effectiveness and permanent unity. We alcoholics see that we must work together and hang together, else most of us will finally die alone.
Since we are dealing with the deadly stuff of addictive sin, I believe we need to really think through how much we do need to work together and hang together, as Christians, in a true and effective way.
Certainly attending a large gathering of people who watch a spiritual service together cannot be considered working together and hanging together. It may have other value, but it does not qualify for the kind of relating, one to another, that we need.
On the other hand, attending a small group, or a house church, may not qualify either if the kind of relationships are not built that support real life in one another. It's possible to attend a small group and be religious rather than real, aloof rather than intimate, and false rather than honest about one's personal needs and failings.
How to Do Church at Home: Be Real With Each Other
Perhaps the greatest need, among Christians, is simply a safe place where we can fully and honestly "confess our sins to one another." I know there is more to it than that: we need to love each other, support each other, encourage each other, heal each other. But I'm not sure any community of people will truly help each other, in Christ, without this fundamental principle... "confess your sins to one another."
One of our churches, last Sunday, that I was not attending felt challenged by the Holy Spirit to take confession to heart and to actually pair up, one with another, to acknowledge and let go of the burdens of guilt and shame. I wish I had been there because this is the fruit of having spent time hanging out together and building trust with one another. This is the kind of community that will work together, know each other, and thus truly free each other to live God's life together.
Without this... and I say this as strongly as I can... because I believe it with all my heart... without this we, as Christians will die spiritually... alone.
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