Here is a comment from a friend of mine (John) that he wrote in response to my post "How Do I Explain It To My Pastor":
About 7 years ago, my pastor asked me to go on a visit with him to give a message to a "house church". We went there and worshipped awhile with these people and then my pastor proceeded to give the message. It was basically that the group was in danger "out on their own" and needed to get back into fellowship "within the church". I was in total agreement then as a new Christian. I thought these folks were simply misguided and possibly hurt in some way.I now think completely different! I too am trying to explain to Christians about house church. Somehow God has led me, through various experiences - a journey - to where my eyes are open to the fantastic realm of "real" church - that is, being the church. I don't look for a traditional structure to "attend" nor do I try to fit in and compare doctrine and go through all that hand-wringing and dysfunction that I have seen in traditional churches. God bless them, they are part of the answer but incomplete at best. (Now I can do all my dysfunction in the relaxed confines of my own home!) Seriously, we have a long way to go, but there is a movement and it's God, not me. People's hearts are yearning for the "real" thing... not just churchianity, or Christian clubs. Only Jesus Christ can fulfill our heart's desire. Will we yet follow? Will we yet see? This thing will take courage, strength and fortitude.