Frank Doiron, in a previous comment, has challenged us to actually get out of our comfort zones and step out into living kingdom, incarnational lives.
He quotes Alan Roxburgh who wrote:
“We are in a moment when the deconstruction and critique of existing maps needs to be wedded to a company of people willing to risk forth upon the seas to discover the holy gusts of the Spirit pulling us to new lands and worlds that can’t be imagined yet.”
Frank goes on to say:
My wife and I are asking personal questions…. What do we (personally) need to do to serve others. Are we ready to count the cost? How do we re-order our priorities, etc. If we wait for others (as in our house group) to come along we will never get started.
[WE are] getting on our knees and asking for partners in this work. (Those who are really interested in mission)...
We have no interest in planting church services...
I think there is a place for discussion and opinion but I know those of us who believe in mission long for a group that is ready to risk. A group where discussion leads us forward and not freezes us. A group where we don’t have to convince most of them of the need to reach out.
Frank invites you to email him if you want to share ideas and encourage one another on living missionally. Frank, put me on the list.