A couple of us have been developing a new blog on World Missions and Simple Church. The purpose? To increase the awareness and understanding of world missions among simple/house church folk.
The need? More contributors.
First, let me explain why I think this type of resource is valuable.
Consider what God might be doing through the simple/house/organic church movement!
- He might be providing a way for many, many leaders and missionaries to be raised up. The core value of simple church—everyone participates—provides a platform in which everyone gets involved, everyone grows spiritually, everyone discovers his/her spiritual gifts and calling, and everyone lives a 24/7 lifestyle of following Jesus. That sounds like a platform for developing fruitful influencers and missionaries to me!
- He might be getting ready to create a whole new thrust that could impact our entire planet through a small group of “revolutionaries” who believe that we are the church, everywhere that we go, and that every unreached people in the world is part of that thrust.
So, the potential is huge!
At the same time, many people—even wonderful, on-fire, radical, Jesus-followers—can benefit from a deeper understanding of God’s purposes around the world, how he has been at work historically through world missions, what are the key thrusts taking place today, and how to become fruitfully involved with harvesting the many, remaining unreached people of the world.
We want to provide this type of information in a quality, educational, and inspirational format. Thus… the World Mission Impact Blog.Now, before you evaluate it, please understand that is in the first stages of development. The artwork is basic and the content is only a start.
To move forward, we could use a handful of contributors who are involved in simple/house/organic church and who have a heart (and hopefully some background or solid awareness) of world missions. Obviously we are looking for people who love to write and who are able to communicate concisely.
If you would like to know more, shoot me a note here and I will send you more information.
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