Sometimes I think that, rather than focusing on simple church, we should really be focusing on the true simplicity of the Gospel. We often work so hard to complicate the truth, power, and pure wonder of the simple, undiluted Good News of Jesus Christ. We explain it, teach on it, expound on it, discuss it, listen to teachers who are gifted at bringing it to life, strategize how to make it relevant and meaningful to others, contemporize it, write books on how to live it, and expound on it some more.
My friend, Kevin Sutter of YWAM’s Church Planting Coaches, has a gift of keeping it simple. He recently wrote:
It seems our instructions are pretty simple.
In Matthew 10:7 (New Living Translation), Jesus says:
“Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
Is this to be our message?
Is this to be the theme of all the stories we tell?
Is it as simple as the King and His Kingdom constantly reinforced in word and demonstrated in action?
Is there any part of our life or its needs that are not abundantly met by the simple reality of the King and his Kingdom in our life and the meaning that comes from joining with him in sharing that Kingdom in word and action?