As I currently journey through different cultures in various Africa countries, it makes me fully aware of how much we over-think things in our western world.
It is always good to be reminded that the Gospel, and its spread to others, must be just as clear and relevant to an illiterate, rural village person as it is to an educated urbanite. Therefore, its power is not solely accessible to those who are able to study and come up with complicated theological theses. Rather it’s power is accessible, in its utter simplicity, to the least educated as well as the most.
I remember, years ago, someone saying to me that the most powerful theological statement ever is just the song: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”
Indeed, the Gospel can be primarily summed up with Jesus’ commandments and commission:
- Love God with heart, soul, and mind—as He has loved us
- Love others—as we love ourselves
- Go and invite others into a personal, discipleship/followership relationship with Jesus
It is interesting to note that simple is reproducible. Simple, is able to be passed along. Simple can become viral. Keeping things simple can reduce the temptation toward creating religious structures and church institutions by encouraging a simple, basic listening/surrendering relationship to Jesus whom we love and follow.
Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize winner for his work on quantum electrodynamics, said, “you can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicity.”
I would add to this… that God’s truth is recognizable by beauty, simplicity, as well as power—the kind of power that transforms people’s lives from the inside out.
Perhaps, today, we can re-root our lives in the simplicity of God’s love and in His leading to share His simple, magnificent beauty to the world around us. Perhaps, our own culture is looking for some simple, powerful answers to the confusion that is so prevalent. Perhaps life with God is simpler and more powerfully amazing then we have made it to be.
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