“For many, Christianity has become the grinding out of general doctrinal laws from collections of biblical facts. But childlike wonder and awe have died. The scenery and poetry and music of the majesty of God have dried up like a forgotten peach at the back of the refrigerator.” John Piper
One of the benefits of stepping out of religious, church traditions is that it provides the opportunity for us to renew our love for God and to re-experience the childlike wonder that He invites us to.
However, this is not automatic. We can easily exchange one religious system for another. Just because we have moved big-building church into a home or started meeting in a participatory manner does not mean that the inner life has changed. We might be focusing on making disciples that make disciples, but if we are not passing along the vibrant life of one who has found the treasure and sold all else with joy and awe, then what kind of disciples are being produced?
It is not enough to swap one religious system for another. The invitation of the Spirit, always, is to swap out our religious comforts, including our internal ones, for ongoing encounter with Jesus the Majestic, Living One. May our hearts long for this, like little children, above all else.
Unless you become like children...