Some of you might consider having a vision and mission statement for organic-house church a little bit too ‘un-organic.’
Others of you might find that such statements bring focus and direction and that they can be inspirational.
For those in the latter camp, I thought you would enjoy seeing this statement put together by a friend of mine. It may give you some ideas or inspiration of your own whether or not you choose to ‘formalize’ something for yourself, your team, or your house church:
Mission & Vision
The goal is to make inroads into the lives of people who are part of the unchurched population. This includes individuals who have stopped attending a local fellowship as well as those the Holy Spirit is calling. One life at a time for the God’s Kingdom.
The vision is to gather in a smaller setting where we intentionally create an atmosphere where we all hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. The vision includes creating an Equipping Center where we learn to use the gifts that have been placed inside of each of us by the Holy Spirit. The goal is to make Christ like disciples who, in turn, make Christ like disciples.
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