Someone asked me to share the disciple-making process we use in Africa, so I wanted to do that with an adjustment for the Western context. To the right is the basic outline of this process as we teach overseas. Below is the same diagram with said changes. Matthew 28:18-20.
Notes on this process:
Prayer is the heart of the matter that involves drawing us closer to God, transforming us, opening us to His voice and leading, and relying on God’s power for ministry.
Go and Share
This involves two aspects: our story (testimony) and God’s story (the Gospel).
1. We want to be ready at all times to share our personal God-stories with others and to teach all new disciples to do the same. Nothing impacts our world and others like the stories that God has written on our hearts and in our lives (2 Cor 3:2).
2. Be confident and teach new disciples to be confident in sharing the Gospel story clearly (1 Peter 3:15). In the Western context, there are many great tools for presenting God’s story.
Make Disciples
Disciple-making focuses on developing relationships with two or more people who use a Discovery Bible Study or a similar inductive method. The keys are that the Word of God is central to the process, that people discover God’s truths as they read, study, and meditate together, and that whatever is discovered is applied and walked out in daily life. Application and obedience (following Jesus) are more important than just knowledge.
This is central to Jesus’ command to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). Note that disciples (not churches or pastors) are told to baptize new believers. This encourages the ongoing process of disciples who make and baptize disciples who make and baptize still more disciples.
In our Western context, there are many opportunities for community both in-person and virtual. The important thing, again, is that the Word of God is central in these gatherings, house churches, or prayer groups and that they are leading to transformation, personal growth, and deepening one’s relationship with God.
Finally, all disciples are walked alongside as they find their God-appointed passion and service. As they do so, they become part of this disciple-making cycle that continues.